Cover your home and protect yourself against damages to your property!
Homeowners and townhome insurance policies cover your personal home for interior and exterior damages, liabilities, and personal contents. We use information like your zip code, square footage, number of bedrooms and bathrooms, flooring, and updates or renovations and interior finish quality to find the correct replacement value. Your premium is calculated based on this reconstruction cost – how much it would cost to rebuild your home.
All policies written with the Mike Crise agency are based on replacement costs, not actual cash value. Replacement cost doesn’t include depreciation, which means we will replace your loss with the newer version.
Your policy will state one deductible per occurrence, or claim. There are 3 different deductible clauses for homeowners insurance:
1. Wind & Hail/Tornado: If your cars are bundled together with your home, then we can quote this deductible at 1%. If you don’t include your car, then your deductible will be 2% or higher. There are other options available as well.
2. Hurricane: There is not much exposure to these in North Texas, so this deductible can be 1% or higher.
3. All Other Perils – (Everything Except Flood): You can choose a % amount or a $ amount deductible.
We’re in the business of taking care of our clients and their homes!
You’d be surprised what we’re able to cover!
If you have other parts of your property (patios, decks, sheds, etc.) that aren’t connected to your home, those can be included in your home insurance coverage.
Whatever you store inside your home can be covered as well! Home Insurance coverage doesn’t have to stop at the structure you live in.
From roof repair or replacement to accidents that happen on your property, our policies have you covered.
Plumbing? Wiring? Concrete foundation? You guessed it! We cover those too. We take care of all aspects of your home, making sure that you have absolute peace of mind when it comes to your property.