Is your auto insurance policy really protecting you?
Even though auto insurance is required in the state of Texas, that doesn’t mean that the policy you’re on may do much if you get into an accident.
If you don’t know how much you’re covered it’s time to visit with us to understand your policy and see if we can get you more value!
If your car is significantly damaged in an accident, or if you damage someone else’s car, you make be financially responsible for a large chunk of the damages. If you get injured in an accident, or if you injure someone else, hospital bills from the accident alone can be in the tens of thousands of dollars!
What if you aren’t able to return to work for an extended period of time due to an accident?
What if the driver that hit you doesn’t have any insurance? We help you stay ready for any of these circumstances by providing the best value for your monthly payment.
Make sure that you’re ready for anything that happens to you on the road.
Taking the time to understand and reevaluate your policy with us can be the difference between months of financial headaches and simply getting vehicles replaced or repaired.
Our Comprehensive coverage can help with any damage to your car that doesn’t result from an accident like strong weather or vandalism.
Our Collision coverage makes sure you’re taken care of in the event of an accident.
Our Injury Protection coverage helps cover any physical injury to you or to a driver in an accident you may cause.
Our Uninsured Motorist coverage makes sure that you have the extra coverage you need if someone hits you without an insurance policy of their own.
We also can include coverage to provide a rental vehicle if your car is undergoing certain types of repairs.